211.2. Sections 49, 50.3, 56, 92, 156 and 157, as they read on 10 May 2017, continue to apply to presiding justices of the peace or to persons who have previously held that office but only with regard to the years or parts of a year credited under this plan while they hold or held such an office.
Sections 108.1, 108.2, 116.1, 116.2 and 211.3 to 211.5, as well as section 31 of the Act to foster the financial health and sustainability of the Pension Plan of Management Personnel and to amend various legislative provisions (2017, chapter 7), are not applicable to presiding justices of the peace or to persons who have previously held that office with regard to the years or parts of a year credited under this plan while they hold or held such an office.
2017, c. 72017, c. 7, s. 211.